How Long Do You Have To Be In The Army For Retirement When A Soldier Makes Rank In His Last Year Before Retirement Say E-7 How Long Can He Stay In The Army ?

When a Soldier makes Rank in his last year before retirement say E-7 how long can he stay in the Army ? - how long do you have to be in the army for retirement

"The resignation is very flexible.

The pension of a soldier is entitled to enter at the age of 20 years to retirement, but earn extra to up to 30 years. And the officials are allowed to stay, service to 36 years. The troops may take longer than 36 years, depending on the MOS and fitness.

In general, the acceptance of a promotion will require some time remain in the service. IIRC in the 1990s, the adoption of E-6 promotion requires a minimum of 1 years in the service, and acceptance of E-7 takes 2 years. A soldier could ReUp or expanded to meet the obligation.

But these things change often, and if everything is in order concerning the waiver approving authority.

We had a very interesting case on the ground (Columbus, GA), someYears in an Army psychiatrist, who had retired from the army in the 1970s, was allowed to return to active duty in his mid-70s. He went to Iraq for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Medical Corps and is flexible. Infantry is usually pretty fast and strong against every last 55th


george said...

You have to go in the grade two years in that grade into retirement.

DOOM said...

If it takes so long to 7, discourages in two years.

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