Ngthvu How To Create An Account Disabled Or Discontinued?

How to create an account disabled or discontinued? - ngthvu

I have a question.
When I sent a message to and after I receive a message that says:
"Unfortunately we did not have the message to the address below. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;>:
Remote host said: 554 error: dd Sorry your message to be delivered This account has been deactivated or terminated [# 102]. - [BODY]
So if I get an ID and how to create it?
Thanh you.


sam said...

I believe that the account can be created. This is because, for a period after the account is disabled, be given some options, select the account yet and can not be assumed. If you could create in any case be created, as you would any other account ..

Chillin-... said...

You can not. If a / ID e-mail is deleted in 90 days before Yahoo! "May" in order to be reused. This is outside the actual page deletion.
In most cases your account will be deactivated and then deleted from our database of registered users in about 90 days. This delay is necessary in order to prevent users from participating in fraudulent activities. Moreover, given the limited number of names available, so we can not afford (to register other users) and to use your current Yahoo! ID and profile names after your account was deleted.

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