Japan Groping Chikan Why Is Groping Women On Subways Widely Accepted In Japan?

Why is groping women on subways widely accepted in Japan? - japan groping chikan

One of my friends went to Japan. He said that there is a serious risk, sexually assaulted in the subway cars in Japan.

There are thousands of signs saying "Warning: Perverts here in Japan. It is also women-only cars recently.

The problem is the care with the police. In the care of society as a whole.

I would like an explanation as to why this is socially acceptable.


annabell... said...

the only thing I do not understand is that women do not perceive or kick *** boy! if someone touched me on the subway, so the time ******* last time in his life!

The problem is that women who do not know how to respond to ...

Reaper said...

No, this is a very bad thing indeed.
The stranger is not wrong, but the fact that they become aware of them. If only pervert was caught in that area, place caution signs say Prévert. Except in other countries, no matter how often rape, murder or other criminals do not put up posters. Yes, this does not apply to Japan for the benefit of the people shine, but not often and not so serious.

Princess said...

I am only later, Annabelle ... I think that is correct. I mean, down here in North America, are women (in general) very much and talk. Even if they do not talk about his abuser, he will say something to another person in a position of trust. However, I think in Japan, where it affects a woman or groped or assaulted, there is a mentality that women are to blame, or that should be ashamed. And until recently, we in America had Norther mentiality also the same. This is probably why women do not speak, so why the problem is so serious.
I hope soon to do something ...

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